
Nutritional genetics
Dietitian – Nutritionist Ioannis Soupios

Nutritional genetics

The Greek company “EMBIODIAGNOSTICS” has developed the network of associate dietitians, doctors and coaches GENOSOPHY-Discover Yourself ® throughout Greece, promoting advanced services of Predisposing Genomics in collaboration with leading research centers. Its advisory board consists of professors from the Medical School of the University of Athens and Crete as well as high-level researchers from other institutions in Greece and abroad. The GENOSOPHY test allows health professionals to advise their patients based on their unique genetic profile. The results of the services are based on strict scientific standards and in the hands of the specialized dietitian are translated into a personalized diet.

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EMBIODIAGNOSTICS in collaboration with Mr. Soupios, through genetic testing can guide individuals based on their unique genetic profile and 5 service packages are provided.

analisi sistasis somatos image diaitologos diatrofologos ioannis soupios
analisi sistasis somatos image diaitologos diatrofologos ioannis soupios

Package 1 (Nutritional Genetics)
Genetic modifications are tested to make it easier for the health scientist to decide on his diet (based on information from leading scientific journals referring to people with a similar genetic profile)
a) what percentage of fat, protein, carbohydrate is better to have in his daily diet 
b) ) what are the individual needs for minerals, trace elements (iron, zinc, selenium, folic acid, vitamins, choline, calcium) and fiber and whether he can and needs to take dietary supplements
c) if and how much coffee, salt and alcohol he can consume
d) the inclusion of special foods in his diet which, based on research, has been shown to improve the health of people with the specific genetic profile and to better suit their taste preferences

In addition
a) provide information on the genetic predisposition to obesity, what chances the dieter has to regain weight after a weight loss diet and whether there is a genetic predisposition to develop gluten and milk intolerance
b) we control genes that are related to the function of the biological clock and we suggest interventions in case of poor genetic predisposition of
c) check the individual’s need for psychological support (especially if there is a genetic predisposition to emotional food intake)
Additionally, polymorphisms that have been associated with better or worse outcome after bariatric surgery can be tested.

analisi sistasis somatos image diaitologos diatrofologos ioannis soupios
analisi sistasis somatos image diaitologos diatrofologos ioannis soupios

EMBIODIAGNOSTICS in collaboration with Mr. Soupios, through genetic testing can guide individuals based on their unique genetic profile and 5 service packages are provided.

analisi sistasis somatos image diaitologos diatrofologos ioannis soupios

Package 1 (Nutritional Genetics)
Genetic modifications are tested to make it easier for the health scientist to decide on his diet (based on information from leading scientific journals referring to people with a similar genetic profile)
a) what percentage of fat, protein, carbohydrate is better to have in his daily diet 
b) ) what are the individual needs for minerals, trace elements (iron, zinc, selenium, folic acid, vitamins, choline, calcium) and fiber and whether he can and needs to take dietary supplements
c) if and how much coffee, salt and alcohol he can consume
d) the inclusion of special foods in his diet which, based on research, has been shown to improve the health of people with the specific genetic profile and to better suit their taste preferences

analisi sistasis somatos image diaitologos diatrofologos ioannis soupios

In addition
a) provide information on the genetic predisposition to obesity, what chances the dieter has to regain weight after a weight loss diet and whether there is a genetic predisposition to develop gluten and milk intolerance
b) we control genes that are related to the function of the biological clock and we suggest interventions in case of poor genetic predisposition of
c) check the individual’s need for psychological support (especially if there is a genetic predisposition to emotional food intake)
Additionally, polymorphisms that have been associated with better or worse outcome after bariatric surgery can be tested.


Package 2 (Disease Predisposition Packages)

Genetic predisposition testing in
2.1. Thrombophilia,
2.2. Type II diabetes,
2.3. Osteoporosis,
2.4. Hypertension,
2.5. Cardiovascular and
2.6. Metabolic Syndrome

Package 3 (Athletes Package)

3.1 a) We test if the athlete has a genetic predisposition for high performance in strength or endurance sports.

b) We control genetic modifications that have been associated with the selection of a suitable sport and appropriate training in people with a corresponding genetic profile (our goal is the selection of a suitable sport and the correct coaching guidance by the coach based on the specialized capabilities-needs of the athlete).

c) We detect genetic modifications that are associated with an increased chance of injury to the tendons (eg rupture of the Achilles tendon) and the bones (fractures-predisposition to osteoporosis) but also the genetic ability to repair them. (Therefore, painful injuries during sports are prevented with proper training and prevention)

d) We check genes that have been associated with the ability to take dietary supplements and finally e) we detect genetic modifications that have been associated with the psychological state (the athlete may need more psychological support to achieve his goals).

Additionally the athlete can find out if he has

a) predisposition to venous thrombosis. Especially the possible predisposition for thrombosis is important information for the doctor and requires the administration of anticoagulant treatment in case of injuries that require surgery..

In addition, the athlete can find out if he has polymorphisms that are more common in champions (specifically, we apply the Unique among unique genetic test in order to identify genetic modifications that determine the predisposition for increased performance)

analisi sistasis somatos image diaitologos diatrofologos ioannis soupios
analisi sistasis somatos image diaitologos diatrofologos ioannis soupios
analisi sistasis somatos image diaitologos diatrofologos ioannis soupios

Package 4 (Children’s package)
4.1. Through this package a parent can get answers to basic questions about their child. Specifically:
a) We apply a genetic test to identify genetic modifications that determine the predisposition for childhood obesity.
b) We control genetic modifications that have been associated with a genetic predisposition to gluten and lactose intolerance.
c) We control genes that have been associated with the psychological state of the child.


4.2. In addition to 4.1 we help

 –  the coach in choosing the right sport for the child and appropriate training based on correlations of better performance in people with a similar genetic profile (our goal is to maximize performance and maintain the best possible physical condition

–  we detect genetic modifications that are associated with an increased risk of injury to tendons and bones but also genetic modifications that predispose to faster injury replacement (our goal is to prevent painful injuries during sports with proper training and prevention).

analisi sistasis somatos image diaitologos diatrofologos ioannis soupios

Package 5 (Wellness and longevity package)

Based on the genetic profile, we provide information on whether you “carry” genes that are associated with longevity and longer telomeres (which are an indicator of youth).
You can also find out if you have genetic modifications that have been associated with increased inflammatory status and oxidative stress.


Services of Dietitian – Nutritionist Ioanni Soupiou

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Dietitian - Nutritionist Ioanni Soupio

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