Dietitian – Nutritionist Ioannis Soupios
See all the interviews in newspapers that the Dietitian – Nutritionist Ioannis Soupios has taken part in.
“AXIA” Newspaper
Full-length interview of Mr. Soupios in the weekly newspaper “AXIA”, by the journalist Nikoleta Dabou who talks about weight loss and the role of the nutritionist.
“Apogevmatini” Newspaper
Interview of Mr. Soupios in the newspaper “APOGEVMATINI”, commenting on an article by NEW YORK TIMES on the levels of childhood obesity in Greece.
Mr. Soupios in a two-page article in the newspaper “Apogevmatini” analyzes the results of a research presented at the 6th Macedonian Nutrition Conference, on the consumption of Light products in Greece.
In a full-page entry, Mr. Soupios talks about vitamins and nutritional supplements and in the “OPINION” column, he writes about the daily dosage of vitamins.
Newspaper “ELEFTHERIA” Larissa
Mr. Soupios in a speech at the seminar held by the Sports Union of Larissa (AEL 1964) on the correlation of nutrition with maximizing athletic performance.
Newspaper “TITANI”
Mr. Soupios, in a speech on the effect of diet on people suffering from Multiple Sclerosis in the city of Igoumenitsa.
“FREE PRESS” newspaper
Mr. Soupios in an interview with the journalist Mr. Lakafosis, talks about illegal dietitians and their way of acting, in an effort to defend the field of Dietitians – Nutritionists and citizens from illegal dietitians.
An article in the newspaper “THESPROTIKI” for Mr. Soupios, who since 2011 had talked about Nutritional Genetics and the benefits that the scientific community will receive from it.
“KATHIMERINI” newspaper
In 2011 for the second time since 1999, a major food scandal across Europe over dioxins in food. Mr. Soupios in an interview giving information about dioxins.
“KATHIMERINH” newspaper
Full page report on the science of nutrition genetics. Journalists comment on the results of Mr. Soupios speeches at a medical conference, where Mr. Soupios spoke about the treatment of obesity through nutritional genetics and aroused the interest of both the scientists who attended the conference and the journalists who attended the conference.
Newspaper “STO KARFI”
Article by Mr. Supio on light products and their effect on human health.
“AVRIANI” Newspaper
Mr. Soupios, on the World Diabetes Day, you host with an article in the newspaper “AVRIANI”, and gives dietary instructions for the treatment of Diabetes.
“AVRIANI” Newspaper
Mr. Soupios in an article in the newspaper “AVRIANI” talks about weight loss and rings the alarm bell to the citizens both for the dangerous diets but also for the illegal dietitians and that the citizens must trust for their diet EXCLUSIVELY graduate dietitians – nutritionists of higher education institutions.
“AVRIANI” Newspaper
Mr. Soupios, in an article in the newspaper “AVRIANI” writes about Baby Food and the enrichment of these foods with various ingredients.
“PREVEZA” Newspaper
Special mention by the coach Mr. Petros Plaskasovitis to Mr. Soupios, because ONLY through diet and proper training and without the use of supplements, but through diet the athlete’s goal to win the 3rd Place in the Classic Bodybuilding category was achieved.